Aam Awaam Party Youth Wing

Aam Awam Party is a political party which wants make Pakistan democratic with your helps.

Aam Awaam Party Youth Wing

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NA-239 Korangi, Karachi-I by-election results 2022

PTI chief Khan retained PTI's position in the Karachi constituency

PTI chief and former premier Imran Khan has won Karachi's NA-239 by-polls with 50,014 votes, according to unofficial results, as the party retained the seat in Korangi.

Khan defeated MQM-P's Nayyar Raza amidst an easy contest in Korangi's NA-239 by-polls. Losing party's Raza managed to get 18,116 votes.

The unofficial results arrived following the completion of the voter count in 330 polling stations of the constituency.
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